Ondersteuning voor Microsoft Surface (Business modellen)
Please use the SDT (Surface Diagnostic Toolkit) to
collect the logs.
This is the best way for us to see all the errors and the
possible cause of any issue. It is also the tool recommended by Microsoft to
collect logs.
Please make sure you keep all the boxes checked and
follow the steps from the description of the pictures bellow.
Here are some helpful links with instructions on how to
download, deploy and collect logs with SDT:
After you open the SDT
app, click continue on the first page and let the system do the updates. When
your Surface is up to date, click continue.
1. Click collect logs.
2. Click on
the arrow for each section to see if all boxes are selected.
3. Click browse and select the
location of where you want the logs to be saved and click continue.
4. This
might take a few minutes.
5. Click
6. The
zip file should contain all the sections present in this picture.
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